[February 2025] Paper accepted to JSS on architectural tactics for machine learning-enabled systems. Here is more information and a preprint.
[January 2025] In the January 2025 issue of the IT Faculty Magazine, a nice article was published about the pedagogical prize that I received after being nominated by my students. So glad about the award! You can find a scan of the article here.
[January 2025] Paper accepted at ICSE-SEIS. More information and a preprint can be found here.
[January 2025] Three papers accepted at REFSQ. One presents an adaptive approach for resolving requirement conflicts, one is about integrating human values into requirements engineering for runtime monitoring, and the third one presents an extension of behavior trees for robotics with quality requirements.
[December 2024] Klara Svensson, Drake Axelrod, Mazen Mohamad, and I won the Best Paper Award for our PROFES 2024 paper!
[November 2024] Paper accepted at SAC'25. A preprint can be found here.
[November 2024] I got a Starting Grant from VR (the Swedish Research Council).
[November 2024] I will be serving on the program committee for RE@Next! 2025.
[September 2024] Papers accepted at PROFES (1) a study on developing secure web applications, (2) a vision paper on considering human values in software engineering.
[August 2024] I will be serving on the program committee for ICSA 2025.
[August 2024] I will be serving on the program committee for SEAMS 2025.
[July 2024] Paper accepted at AI4AS. More information can be found here.
[July 2024] Papers accepted at SoSyM and SEAA.
[June 2024] Paper accepted at ECSA'24. More information about the paper can be found here.
[May 2024] Paper accepted to the SoSyM journal.
[May 2024] Paper accepted at ARES'24. The preprint can be found here.
[April 2024] Paper accepted to the industry track of FSE'24. More information about the paper can be found here.
[April 2024] My new postdoc Raffaela Groner has started. Welcome to Sweden and to our group! :)
[March 2024] I gave a talk at the seminar series of TECoSA - a Center for Trustworthy Edge Computing Systems and Applications at KTH in Stockholm.
[February 2024] We got a paper accepted at ICSA'24. It is called We’re Drifting Apart: Architectural Drift from the Developers’ Perspective.
[February 2024] Paper accepted at REFSQ. You can find a preprint here.
[January 2024] Paper accepted at Designing, a workshop at ICSE. You can find more information here.
[January 2024] I got the WASP alumni of the year award!
[January 2024] Two new papers are accepted for publication in IEEE Software. One of them focuses on our techniques to explain quality tradeoffs, which we applied in several open source projects and companies. The other one deals with what “continuous compliance” is and how it can be achieved in the automotive industry.
[December 2023] I’m hiring a postdoc. You can find the announcement here. The deadline is on January 24, 2024.
[December 2023] I’m hiring up to two new PhD students. Here is the announcement with more information and a link to the application portal. You can apply until January 10. Looking forward to great applications!
[October 2023] The proposal for our WASP NEST was accepted. It is called ShiftLeft: Securing the Software Supply Chain by Code-centric Analysis.
[October 2023] I am going to be a workshop co-chair at ACSOS'24. Looking forward to great workshop proposals!
[October 2023] I served as the external reviewer/opponent at Raquel Ouriques’s PhD defense at Blekinge Tekniska Högskola.
[September 2023] Andres Diaz-Pace, David Garlan, and I won the Best Paper Award for our ECSA 2023 paper!
[September 2023] I’ve accepted to serve on the program committee for the Artifact Track of SEAMS 2024.
[August 2023] I will be on the program committee for ICSA 2024.
[June 2023] Our ECSA'23 paper was accepted. It is called “Supporting the Exploration of Quality Attribute Tradeoffs in Large Design Spaces” (with Andres Diaz Pace and David Garlan).
[April 2023] I am going to receive the IT Faculty Pedagogical Prize 2023. So grateful for the recognition!
[March 2023] My grant application for a WASP academic PhD project was accepted. It is about requirements conflict resolution for self-adaptive systems. I will be hiring a PhD student soon.
[March 2023] I’m hiring a PhD student in Software Engineering for Human-Centric Autonomous Systems. You can find more information and apply until April 14 here. Please spread the word!
[March 2023] Our EASE'23 paper “Investigating Software Engineering Artifacts in DevOps Through the Lens of Boundary Objects” was accepted. It is joined work with Christoph Matthies and Robert Heinrich.
[January 2023] The course that I redesigned and taught last semester got a really good course evaluation. It was a BSc-level course on software processes.
[November 2022] Javier Cámara, Bradley Schmerl, David Garlan, and I got a paper accepted to the Journal of Systems and Software (JSS). It is called “ExTrA: Explaining Architectural Design Tradeoff Spaces via Dimensionality Reduction”.
[October 2022] I will give a talk at the Chalmers Security & Privacy Seminar later this month (Oct 20). Come and join if you’re in Gothenburg!
[October 2022] A new article about my research and career has been published on the WASP homepage.
[October 2022] Our paper Explaining Quality Attribute Tradeoffs in Automated Planning for Self-Adaptive Systems got accepted to the Journal of Systems and Software (JSS). You can find a preprint here.
[September 2022] I will be serving on the program committee for SEAMS 2023. We’re looking forward to your submissions!
[September 2022] Very happy that our paper AMon: A Domain-Specific Language and Framework for Adaptive Monitoring of Cyber-Physical Systems got accepted to the Journal of Systems and Software (JSS). It is based on a collaboration with Michael Vierhauser, Marco Stadler, and Jane Cleland-Huang. A preprint can be found here.
[September 2022] Our paper Towards Cost-Benefit-Aware Adaptive Monitoring for Cyber-Physical Systems got accepted to the Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS): Cyber Resilience Workshop (with Michael Vierhauser and Stefan Rass).
[July 2022] I will be serving on the program committees for RE'23 and ICSA 2023.
[June 2022] After two great years at CMU, I will be starting as an Assistant Professor at Chalmers University of Technology in August 2022. Very happy about this new position and I’m looking forward to returning to Sweden!
[April 2022] I will be serving on the program committee for ICSE SEIP 2023.
[March 2022] Our SEAMS 2022 paper got accepted: Run-Time Adaptation of Quality Attributes for Automated Planning. You can find the preprint here.
[December 2021] I’ve accepted to serve as a PC Co-Chair for the Industry Track at EASE 2022.
[November 2021] Our journal paper A Negotiation Support System for Defining Utility Functions for Multi-Stakeholder Self-Adaptive Systems got accepted to Requirements Engineering. It’s an invited extension of our REFSQ'21 paper. Check out the preprint here!
[September 2021] I have accepted to serve on the program committees for ICSSP/ICGSE'22 and the Automotive Software Engineering Workshop 2022.
[August 2021] I will be on the program committee for ICSA 2022. I also accepted to serve as a Co-Chair of the Poster and Tool Demo track at RE 2022. We’re looking forward to your submissions.
[April 2021] I have accepted to serve as the publication co-chair for ICSA'22.
[March 2021] ICSA was a lot of fun. We had great discussions on our two papers and I chaired an interesting session on architecture evolution. I also got an award for being the best player at the conference - what an honor! :)
[January 2021] We got an ICSA paper accepted: Aligning Architecture with Business Goals in the Automotive Domain.
[January 2021] Our submission of a journal-first paper to ICSA has been accepted. Stay tuned for our upcoming presentation on Why and How Your Traceability Should Evolve: Insights from an Automotive Supplier, published in IEEE Software.
[January 2021] I have accepted to serve as the proceedings chair for SEAMS 2022. We’ll be looking forward to your submissions!
[January 2021] Our paper on Defining Utility Functions for Multi-Stakeholder Self-Adaptive Systems got accepted to the International Working Conference on Requirement Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ'21). Preprint here.
[January 2021] Happy new year! I’m adding this news section to keep you informed about my research.