
(2025). A Reference Model for Empirically Comparing LLMs with Humans. Proc. of the 47th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion (ICSE-SEIS).
(2025). Towards a Value-Complemented Monitoring Framework for Humans in Cyber-Physical Systems. Proc. of the 31th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering - Foundation for Software Quality.
(2025). Quality Trade-Offs in ML-Enabled Systems: A Multiple Case Study. Proc. of the 40th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2025).
(2025). Extending Behavior Trees for Robotic Missions with Quality Requirements. Proc. of the 31th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering - Foundation for Software Quality.
(2025). Architectural Tactics to Achieve Quality Attributes of Machine-Learning-Enabled Systems: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Systems and Software.
(2025). Adaptive Resolution of Requirements Conflicts in Robot Mission Planning. Proc. of the 31th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering - Foundation for Software Quality.
(2024). What Impact do my Preferences Have? A Framework for Explanation-Based Elicitation of Quality Objectives for Robotic Mission Planning. Proc. of the 30th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering - Foundation for Software Quality.
(2024). We're Drifting Apart: Architectural Drift from the Developers' Perspective. Proc. of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2024).
(2024). Using Boundary Objects and Methodological Island (BOMI) Modeling in Large-Scale Agile Systems Development. Software and Systems Modeling.
(2024). Supporting value-aware software engineering through traceability and value tactics. Proc. of the International Conference on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement (PROFES).